Our vision in one word: #thinkforward

Our identity is founded on:

We use the highest technology available in order to maximize efficiency, reduce
start-up costs and guarantee a satisfactory return on investment.

All types of machines can be provided and developed in non-standard version,
thanks to the flexibility of our production system.

We aim to develop applications with the lowest environmental impact possible,
using refrigerants with a very low GWP, such as the HFO-1234ze and the R290.

The transformation of energy, applied to the cooling of liquids or of the air, represents a clean and ecological solution to improve the atmosphere in the places we live in and, therefore, our comfort.

The adequate management of this type of energy, according to the respect of the environment, involves demanding planning choices.

The introduction of innovative refrigerants, for instance, has been a real value added to our production, in terms of expansion of our product range and of improvement of efficiency and reliability of our units.

The innovation comes from the use of refrigerants with very low GWP, such as HFO-1234ze and R290.



It is a 4th generation gas and is based on the technology of Hydro-Fluoro-Olefins (HFO), ie of molecules with a double bond C = C, which have a very low GWP. In early 2014, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated that HFO1234ze has a GWP<1, that makes it lower than CO2. Moreover it is non-flammable*, which makes it safe to use. HFO1234ze can be used to provide high efficiency solutions, with ease of maintenance and high performance, all in complete safety.

*In accordance with Pressure Equipment Directive (97/23/EC) of the European Parliament.



It is a natural gas and has a very low impact on environment, with GWP=3 and ODP=0. In addition to that, it is demonstrated that it has excellent thermodynamic properties, which lead to high energy efficiency, and that it is particularly suitable for both positive and negative temperature applications. Compared to other refrigerants with a much higher GWP, R290 shows similar COP and EER and proves to be a good alternative in terms of both performance and efficiency.

The importance of being low GWP

The Global Warming Potential (GWP) is defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as the index to measure how much heat a greenhouse gas traps in the atmosphere during a certain period of time. The Carbon dioxide is considered to be the main greenhouse gas (with GWP=1) and is used as the base for the calculation of the environmental impact of other gases: the unit of measurement is the CO2eq (Carbon dioxide equivalent). As time passes the GWP of a greenhouse gas usually decreases, but in the case of some gases with a very high GWP (thousands of times higher than CO2), it takes a very long time for them to completely lose their ability to trap heat. So, the more HGWP (High Global Warming Potential) gases enter the atmosphere, the faster our climate will change.

The Kyoto Protocol was ratified with the aim of challenging these climate changes and the signatory Parties have undertaken to reduce the emission of certain greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This has led to the need to use gases with low GWP levels in order to reduce the environmental impact. We have studied and developed ultra-efficient solutions with very low GWP refrigerant gases, such as HFO-1234ze (GWP<1) and R290 (GWP=3). These refrigerants ensure high efficiency and, at the same time, a minimized environmental impact and turn out to be the best and most suitable solution for the respect of the atmospheric conditions.

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