
Smart unit selection

It’s easy to select the right unit

Geoselectool has been developed by Geoclima, together with the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua.

Thanks to Geoselectool, you can manage your own projects: you can plan the energy demand of the building, select the Geoclima unit that most suit to the specific requirements, simulate the annual energy consumption and define the financial plan for that specific plant.

If you want to try how it works, click the button below.

Web based

Geoselctool is a web based tool, which means:

  • no need for installation
  • no need for upgrades
  • no compatibility issues

Cloud archive

Your personal archive is stored online, so you don’t run the risk to lose your files.


Geoselectool is full responsive so it adapts to different devices and browser sizes.

Effective Data Accuracy

Whatever the selection is, you can download the final report and send the commercial offer of a specific unit model. Every report is saved within your personal archive, so you can always check the selections performed.

This selection application softwer offers different alternatives to get a realistic simulation of the working conditions and a search for the best solution provided by Geoclima.

  • Geoselctool is is controlled by a huge database, which assures:

    • verified data
    • reliable simulations
  • Geoselectool is the most innovative tool present on the market. It makes it possible to perform a complete simulation (energy-economic-financial) and identify the most suitable solution among the units provided by Geoclima.

Geoselectool is ERP Ready

We have updated the database of the units that can be selected through our Geoselectool, adjusting the parameters according to the new SEER and SEPR limits that came into force on January 1, 2021.

The new regulation establishes the new minimum efficiency values for the air cooling and refrigeration units that are sold and installed in the European Union.

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