Located at Maindy Park in the heart of Cardiff, the new Innovation Campus is the door to innovation at Cardiff University and will provide cutting-edge facilities that will help researchers and students work across disciplines and with partners to influence policy and build enterprises that create products, spin-outs, start-ups and social enterprises.
It consists of two facilities, the Translational Research Facility and the Innovation Central, both working with business and wider society to make great ideas a reality.
Our designers, together with our distributor Cooltherm, developed 5 Turbomiser air cooled chillers, with oil-free centrifugal compressors, for both buildings:
- on the Translational Research Facility, 3 Turbomisers provide a total cooling capacity of 3150 kW (896 RT) and a mixture of building and process chilled water. The plan is for it to be 2 running with 1 on duty standby;
- on the Innovation Central, 2 Turbomisers provide a total cooling capacity of 970 kW (276 RT) and will share the load between them, operating around 66% each.
We achieved the requirements for the cooling by helping the consultant with the original designs, coming up with units that could achieve the required duties, energy efficiencies and noise levels, as well as being able to fit on the roofs!