Biomedica Foscama – Italy
Biomedica Foscama is a pharmaceutical company that since 1947 has specialized in the production and distribution of drugs, food supplements and medical devices for both the Italian and foreign markets.
We have been commissioned to design and manufacture a new HVAC system to provide cooling to all the plant areas. The new units will have to significantly improve energy efficiency, ensure maximum reliability and maintain the same installation surface as the previous machines.
For this project, we have developed two air-cooled Cirlcemiser chillers for a total of 2600 kW (740 RT), with oil-free centrifugal compressors and cylindrical condensers. The chillers ensure high levels of energy efficiency (EER 4.30 W/W*) and use HFO-1234ze, the most ecological refrigerant gas available on the market (GWP <1). In addition, the system supplied is a real "complete package" because it also includes real-time remote monitoring with maintenance service and a 5-year warranty.
*Cooling kW/RT = 0.82 – Cooling EER BTU/Wh = 14.67
The energy simulations carried out in collaboration with Everest – a company specialized in software and hardware solutions for the management, programming, monitoring and improvement of energy performance – have shown that our solution will allow the customer to save energy of about € 1,500,000 in 10 years.